
Senior UI Programmer

Key responsibilities:
  • Implementing User Interface in Unreal Engine 4
  • Creating UI and UI-adjacent systems
  • Creating UI animations
  • Implementing and refining tutorialization
  • Optimizing UI assets and code
  • Working on Localization and console compliance
Evil West is a hero action-shooter developed by Flying Wild Hog Studios in 2022 and published by Focus Entertainment. The game was released for Windows, PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S. It’s primarily a single player title which also features two player co-op. It was well received achieving 75 meta score.

Originally pitched as “God Of War with guns” the game was supposed to be a fast passed experience focused on combat, blending melee brawls with gunplay. We were striving to deliver a AAA, highly repayable title with optional side content.

On Evil West I’ve worked as a Senior UI Programmer. The challenge was formidable as the UI team for the project consisted of only two people, and it was set to become the studio’s first AAA title. The game was build on Unreal Engine 4 to which the studio moved from an in-house engine.

As such I’ve implemented nearly all UI seen in the game along with other UI-centric solutions, like flow of the interface and input management. Many of these were later reimplemented for Unreal Engine 5 and became a part of future projects. I worked closely with QA and Production on localization and compliance for console releases.

Often I dabbled in the gameplay systems both implementing features and exposing information for the UI. I created all the UI animations in game, optimized UI assets and code. I worked on the tutorialization, both function and content, and spent countless hours refining our messaging and player feedback to deliver the best experience possible given our budget.

All in all the title was received very well despite some significant cuts to the original plan. The side content never really materialized and the game turned out to be mostly a linear experience. This along with lack of polish in few crucial aspects knocked the title down to what we at the time considered a AA+ category. All in all, the title was very fun to play with a juicy combat system that in my mind was at least up to par with its direct inspiration, “God of War” (2018).

When it comes to UI I’m happy with what we managed to accomplish. When it comes to UX I’d love to have more time and resources spent on tutorialization. We had an idea to create a reminder system that would help the players not to get lost in the meanders of combat, but only a stub of that was ever implemented. After the release we received many comments that it was hard to remember all available combos, a problem I’m sure such a system would help to alleviate.